As a business expense, yes you can, but not on a personal return.
What’s the penalty for missing the deadline to file your personal income tax return?
What’s the deadline for filing taxes in 2017? For self-employed people and their spouses or common-law partners the deadline for filing their 2016 personal income tax return is June 15, 2016. If they owe money however, interest begins to accrue … Read More
Can I use bank transfer statements for proof of rent paid?
It is always better to get a rent receipt from your landlord for income tax purposes when claiming rent credits with the CRA. Your landlord is obligated to issue you one if you ask them.
What’s the first piece of accounting advice you give all new small business owners?
The first piece of advice I give to new small businesses is to make sure you stay onside with all government remittances by that I mean keep up to date on all payroll remittances, gst, rst and corporate taxes. Tavis … Read More